I’m Hannah
I help mums who have or are separated to stop feeling anxious over their children's wellbeing and to step forward in empowerment to provide their children with what they need to thrive in a life where their parents are separated.
Do these sound familiar?
Have you found yourself worrying about how to stop your children from being emotionally scarred by your separation and how it's going to affect them now and in the future?
Do you find it hard to know what the right thing to do is when it comes to answering your children's questions about your separation, dealing with co-parenting boundaries or knowing what your child needs to not be negatively affected by your separation?
Does it feel like much of your life revolves around trying to get it right, as a separated Mum, but feeling like you're never doing a good enough job? (It is sooooo exhausting right? Uhgggg!)
You're not alone
In fact, these problems are exactly why I created my Bootcamp!

As a therapist working with wonderful, caring Mums who have or are separating, I kept noticing a common theme arising.
We caring Mums are often amaaaazing at putting our all in to being the best parents we can be…but don't usually have the proven - science backed knowledge of what our children need - and so find ourselves exhausted, fumbling along in the dark, full of anxiety, trying to get it right! Sure, we can get away with parenting and living this way for a while (maybe even a until our children are much older) but the end results are often the same:
1. Burnt out, anxious and unfulfilled Mums, children who are suffering (despite their Mum's best efforts)
2. Children growing up with emotional scars from the needs their parents didn't know they had relating to the separation.
3. Didn't have the tools to be able to fulfil (despite our talents, intelligence and hard-work!).
My dedication towards a solution
Through my work as a therapist, and being in the position myself, I found a solution:
1. Key tools
2. Learnings and development areas that transform the way we parent our children through a life of having separated parents
3. Levels of happiness, safety and resilience our children possess.

What I mean by this is I discovered what it meant to become a caring Mum, that not only cared, but one that also had access to all of the tools I needed. That discovery began to change everything for me and for my children.
No more guessing and trying to get it right!

"The best thing I ever did! There is a lot of content in the 8 week course, but it is organised in a way that makes it practical for a Mum to fit it in to their busy schedule.
My children are so much happier now I have been able to implement the stuff I have taken away from the course, and weirdly, I feel like I have more time because I have so much less mental clutter around my worries, fears and anxieties around my children, the separation and being the best Mum I can be. If you’re reading this and worrying about how you will make it work, I was in your shoes, and all I can say is, you will thank yourself if you do. Utterly empowering course, thank you Hannah."
Jo S
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