Welcome Mumas
Hi, I'm Hannah!
I'm a therapist, coach, and industry expert in what children need to thrive during and after their parents' separation.
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What I do...
I help separated mums to have children who thrive!
Without the right tools and support, we mums, who are bringing up our children in a life where their parents are separated, tend to:
-Â Worry about the emotional impact our separation is or might have on our children
-Â Desperately want our children to be happy now and in the future
- Be unsure of how to deal with so many separated-parenting related issues in the best way
-Â Suffer with anxiety and burnout from all of the above (uuuuugh)

The Real Problem...
It's all about not having the proper tools and expert support.
Every Mum in our position feels …  'I have never done this before, it is so important I get it right, what the hell am I doing!?'
Most of us have no idea what we are doing but we so desperately want to get it right for our children. No wonder we're totally overwhelmed and so many children grow up to have emotional scars from their parents separation!… It’s because Mum’s don’t have the tried and tested tools and guidance that they need!
The Solution...
This involves the understanding of what our children's needs are!
Looking at what our children need in a completely different way is based on:
1. The science of how their brains work
2. The psychology behind child development
3. Proven, easy-to-use tools
To me, the answer is all about becoming aware of what your children truly need, being tooled up to be able to provide that, and supported along the journey - a way of parenting that is empowered from within, organically catalysing rich personal growth that leads you to enabling your children to have a thriving life.

This new way has changed everything for me, my children and hundreds of my clients and their children.
For my clients it has brought increased happiness and emotional wellbeing and even more physical energy as their anxiety decreases... and their children's experience of life with separated parents has been completely transformed, leading them to be happy, emotionally healthy and thriving!
"I was anxious about my children when I separated from their Dad, but I was plodding on, taking each day as it came and kind of getting through it. I did not realise how badly I needed this course until I did it. Wow, wow, wow, total transformation in the way I approach what my children need, my levels of guilt and anxiety around my children and most importantly, as a result, the biggest transformation has been with my children. When I look back, I thought we were getting through and they seemed fine, but now I realise we were all just surviving, now my children are truly thriving. What a wake up call to realise I didn’t just have to get through, we could all be thriving!"
Emma L

Meet Hannah
I have a passion for empowering and supporting Mum's who have or are separating from their child's other parent, to give their children what they need to live a life in which they can thrive emotionally.
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Dive deep into the heart of what your children need to thrive when growing up with separated parents. Filled with tectonic-plate level teachings, practical tools and skills, and nurturing community, this is a heart-centered experience for women ready for rich personal growth and empowerment which is all geared towards giving your children exactly what they need to be happy and thrive!
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